Fearless Collaboration

Our Collaborative Research Environment (CoRE) platform accelerates impact without sacrificing security.

How We Help

A data-sharing solution where you're in control.

Data sharing doesn't have to be fraught with risk. How many opportunities for analysis and collaboration have been lost in the interest of protecting information? CoRE provides a secure workspace where data can be shared with trusted partners for analysis. Data shared to CoRE stays in CoRE, where it's searchable and accessible.

Government agencies, universities, and their trusted partners integrate CoRE to swiftly discover, share, collaborate, and analyze within a secure, feature-rich environment monitored by the organization’s administrators. CoRE has facilitated projects like these: 

  • Integrating personal health, public safety, and corrections data to battle the opioid crisis
  • Combining clinical and social determinant datasets to better predict adverse health outcomes
  • Tapping into the expertise of diverse stakeholder groups to quickly respond to a global pandemic
Impact Story

Enhanced Research Environment Unlocks Secure Collaboration

Evidence-based policies informed by data and research are an essential part of ensuring the health and well-being of Hoosiers. [CoRE] revolutionizes sensitive data-sharing and analysis for the State of Indiana and its academic partners. It has unlocked secure collaboration and facilitated complex data analysis between the state and experts in the research community.

Connor Norwood, PhD, MHA

Chief Data Officer,   Indiana Family and Social Services Administration

[CoRE] has created a new ecosystem where people can come and do meaningful work. They just log in and hit the ground running to produce meaningful results for their communities and Hoosiers across the state.

Owen Boberg, PhD, MPH

Data Scientist,   Indiana Management Performance Hub

We’re proud to help organizations thrive, and we’d love to tell you more.


CoRE is a scalable, cloud-based solution.

  • Multiple workflows for requesting, approving, and sharing data securely
  • Automated data use agreement process to simplify and track approvals
  • Scalable, elastic, cloud environment for collaboration without data export
  • Access to best-in-class open source and proprietary analytic tools: Kubernetes, SAS, Python, R, R-Studio, Jupyter, SciPy, and more
  • Protection against unapproved data exports; data stays in the environment unless owner grants approval

Our CoRE platform has enabled these and other outcomes.

Immunization Coverage Across the Country

The nation’s immunized population can now be characterized by location, vaccination type, age, and race. Nationwide immunization visibility provides the grantee, vaccine manufacturer, trade name, date of production, lot number, valid vaccination dose, and provider, as well as the county, state, ZIP code, date of birth, sex, and race of the recipient (or refuser). 

  • Consolidated state and immunization jurisdiction datasets to provide the CDC with nationwide coverage analysis 
  • Developed a consistent and efficient workflow offering insight into efficacy of program funding distribution
  • Automated data import, de-duplication, and normalization to conserve CDC resources for reallocation to high-level initiatives 

Substance Use Disorder Awareness, Treatment, and Prevention for Indiana’s Drug Data Working Group

Our team created a fast, high-quality mechanism for data sharing across the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH). The solution facilitated an assessment of state capacity to treat narcotic dependance by analyzing the number of eligible providers, the prevalence of individuals with substance use disorders and whether these individuals are receiving treatment, and factors influencing their paths. 

  • Created a multi-agency workgroup focused on opioid-related data analysis 
  • Enabled multiple agencies to quickly share data 
  • Facilitated analysis in a collaborative environment that led to new insights 

Collaborative Health and Human Services Data Analysis

Enabling HHS to easily share data across agencies and securely collaborate on analysis through CoRE brought a range of benefits. 

  • Increased data asset comprehension and management for data owners 
  • Provided the ability to monitor user behavior and use of the environment 
  • Enabled researchers to easily discover relevant datasets from multiple sources 
  • Facilitated collaborative analysis by disparate researchers 
  • Streamlined and sped up execution of data-share agreements to facilitate data access 
  • Provided a scalable, cloud-based environment for optimal computing power and minimal cloud-hosting fees 
  • Ensured data analysis is conducted in a secure, locked-down environment 

Secure Collaboration for Indiana COVID Research

Indiana’s Management Performance Hub deployed CoRE on March 19, 2020, only 14 days after Indiana confirmed its first case of COVID-19. The solution would prove crucial to the State of Indiana’s COVID-19 response for the same reasons it would revolutionize sensitive data-sharing and analysis for the State of Indiana: It unlocked speedy and secure collaboration while facilitating complex modeling and machine learning. 

  • Provided complete transparency surrounding the analysis and use of sensitive data, including administrative oversight and approval of any exports from the environment 
  • Prevented unauthorized access to data by segregating an individual’s access to specific projects within the environment 
  • Facilitated joint data analysis from multiple sources by diverse analysts in a secure manner 
  • Accelerated advanced analysis through best-in-class data science and analytical tools 
  • Provided the ability to share analysis and code securely 
  • Enabled almost infinite scalability of number of users and data volume by dynamically adjusting capacities to meet computational needs in near real time 

Enable data discovery, facilitate collaborative analytics, and achieve security with one intuitive solution. Download our brochure to learn more about CoRE.


Learn what CoRE can do for you. Schedule a demo with one of our experts.

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