Toward a True Educator Pipeline: A Radical Rethinking of Data Collection and Analysis

The current treatment of educator pipeline data may best be categorized as compliance-focused and episodic, and it leaves big ideas, true change, and collaborative effort out of the equation. Even in states that are beginning to analyze their educator pipeline data systems, outdated analytics capabilities and persistent data silos interfere as much as they facilitate.

There’s a lot of room for improvement, and now is an ideal time to undertake the shifts in thinking and systems that will facilitate education optimally now and offer scalability and adaptability for years to come.

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What's Included

How the Educator Pipeline Falls Short

The current approach to educator data leaves untapped opportunity—for meaningful partnerships, efficient deployment of state resources, and improvements arising from best practices in other industries, to name but a few.

What Outdated Practices Miss

Data systems in use now are set up to ask questions that do little for continuous improvement purposes and fail to allow for complex analyses of indicators of effectiveness or strategic planning around the educator pipeline.

Solving the Educator Pipeline Problem

With an enhanced data landscape, more nuanced policy questions can be explored, and targeted solutions can be crafted to address specific needs. Data collection shifts from a compliance-driven activity to one focused on continuous improvement.

Key Facts

  • State agencies need access to a greater quantity and quality of data to make informed decisions on the educator pipeline. Jurisdictions are beginning to recognize that current data systems related to the educator pipeline were designed for different purposes and answer different questions than agencies are asking today.
  • Current state data systems tend to be isolated from one another, with data collection driven by compliance. As states turn their attention to the educator pipeline, they are learning that data systems for the pipeline are flawed.
  • States urgently need relevant, high-quality information on the education workforce, but existing systems limit the judgments that may be made from data analysis, as well as the possible solutions.
  • As SEAs dedicate resources and strategize how to grow and strengthen the educator pipeline, new data that can inform decision making will almost certainly be identified. The systems of the future need to be flexible and adaptable to unknowns that may occur.
  • Building a sustainable system means all data that needs to be collected, processed, and distributed in the EMS would adhere to the Ed-Fi data model, and any new systems that are introduced would adhere to Ed-Fi standards.
  • A system that truly functions as an educator pipeline brings benefits at every stage, improving data collection and analytics, facilitating relationships, and building best practices.

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