How a Technology Assessment Could Benefit Your Organization

Does the technology your organization uses truly serve you as well as it could? Or do you secretly (or not-so-secretly) suspect it might be slowing you down? 

Don’t feel bad if it’s the latter—that may be a sign you’re a victim of your own success. As organizations grow, misalignments between daily operations and technology can also grow. Over time, these gaps only widen until one day you’re forced to acknowledge that the tools that once served you well now give you headaches. 

If the tools you and your teams use every day do more to frustrate than facilitate your work, it’s time for your organization to undertake a technology assessment. Here’s why. 

How Does a Technology Assessment Work? 

Here’s the thing about technology: It’s one gear in your unique machine, used differently by different people throughout the organization. Until any solutions provider understands your organization—why it exists, what it does, how it does it, and where you want it to go—and especially understands the people who make your work happen, any technology “solution” can be only theoretical. A big part of Resultant’s early discovery process focuses on your organization and your teams.  

With that foundation, we delve into the specifics of your technology ecosystem, evaluating how these key areas align with how you work today: 

  • Cybersecurity and risk management 
  • IT management and operations 
  • Applications
  • Data analytics and storage 
  • Infrastructure and cloud solutions
  • Business strategy 
  • Disaster recovery and business continuity 

By focusing on these areas, our engineers, architects, admins, and business consultants can dive deeply into how your business goals are (and aren’t) being served. They identify what’s missing and what’s being underutilized. What no longer aligns and what’s leaving you vulnerable to security risks or being out of compliance with ever-changing regulations. It’s an expert view of both the macro and micro. 

An Assessment Prioritizes the Human Side of Your Business 

Technology can be a fine tool, but it’s a terrible manager. That’s why our technology assessment puts human beings first. We want to understand your people, their processes, and the ways they actually use your technology. 

We also prioritize working closely with you to understand your mission, vision, and values as a part of our assessment. It’s only when we understand the human side of your organization that we can identify the ways your technology can work better to serve it. 

What Are the Next Steps After an Assessment? 

If you’re going to invest in an assessment, you want the results to be actionable. It doesn’t do you any good to have a report on misalignments if you don’t also know how to correct them in a way that makes sense for your timeline, strategy, and budget. 

Your Resultant technology assessment will deliver top-notch analysis of your organization’s current state. It also will give you the prioritized recommendations for changes, upgrades, and services that best align with your short- and long-term goals. Our team provides a plan so detailed that you can take over from there, if you like. You’ll have the full roadmap for reaching the technology landscape that helps your organization thrive. And of course we’re glad to walk that road with you, if you choose.  

Either way, you’ll have the tools that will guide your path forward, even when new opportunities and obstacles arise.  

What Are the Benefits of a Technology Assessment? 

Things change fast, not just within the world of technology but in the world at large and within organizations. Typically, organizations address that change in increments that don’t work for your ideal big-picture strategy. A technology assessment is an important opportunity to stop, look around, and see where you are—where security vulnerabilities lie, where systems could better communicate with each other, and where you can streamline, for example.  

After an assessment, you have everything you need to better align your operations and the tools your teams use every day. You become better positioned to fulfill your mission and make clients—and employees—happy.

Learn more about our technology assessments here.

Originally published November 29, 2021. Updated October 24, 2023.



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