Meet Anna Muñoz, senior associate consultant at Resultant.

Meet Our People: Anna Muñoz

Heart palpitations. Cold sweats. Feeling faint.

Those are symptoms the average person might experience when jumping into a high-profile project—with a state department of health, no less—early in their career.

Luckily for us, Anna Muñoz has no fear of the hot seat. And she’s far beyond average.

Anna was once invited to speak about immigration reform at Capitol Hill. What she thought was going to be a low-key gathering of a few college presidents turned out to be rather more, including several members of Congress and news coverage. She kept her cool and added a well-received, valued perspective to a topic she’s passionate about.

From Pre-Med to Orr Fellow

Childhood experiences of not having good, consistent access to health care motivated Anna to want to make a difference.

”I thought I wanted to end up somewhere in the medical field. It just made sense for me. I didn’t have access to health insurance growing up, so I wanted to help people in the same situation by providing the care that I often didn’t have access to.”

It was a no-brainer for Anna to declare pre-med at DePauw University. But something happened. And it wasn’t that the coursework got too hard, or that she didn’t want to commit to the years of study, or that she wanted to party a little harder on Thursday nights. What happened is that her worldview widened.

The summer of her junior year she interned with the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington, DC. “That’s when my definition of helping people expanded,” Anna said. While recognizing the great work doctors can do, seeing policy work and public sector impact in action on a much greater scale lit a whole new desire to direct her work into that space.

Back at school, she discovered the Orr Fellowship opportunity. Even without previous business experience or even exposure, she recognized the value of such a program, pursued it, and was awarded a fellowship.

From Orr Fellow to Resultant Consultant

When one of Anna’s mentors saw her exceptional desire to serve, they introduced her to John Roach. Over coffee, she learned more about the impactful public sector work Resultant does—things like infant mortality rate improvement, education reform, workforce reform, Medicaid reform, and more—and found Resultant’s mission aligned with her own.

Back to not being afraid to be in the hot seat: In that very first conversation, Anna asked John about Resultant’s diversity, equity, and inclusion policies and programs because she wanted to be involved with a company that values DEI and actually has employees who are actively working to make improvements.

The more she met people in the company and learned about the culture, the work we do, and its impact, the more she wanted to join.

The COVID-19 Hot Seat

Anna’s first assignment at Resultant was taking over a key consultancy role with the COVID management project for Indiana Department of Health in September 2020. She’s been on that project ever since, though the project itself has evolved tremendously.

Anna joined the team as a project manager when the speed of virus mutation and changing mandates gave a great sense of urgency to the work: a high volume of data needed to be analyzed immediately to provide accurate forecasts as quickly as possible. They published dashboards every weekday, and every day waited to see what the next rounds of data analysis would bring.

“The pandemic exposed a lot of vulnerabilities in our systems, all kinds of systems,” Anna said.

Three years after the pandemic began, far fewer COVID cases means the team now has the bandwidth to expand their focus. Our continued partnership with IDOH goes beyond COVID.

We’re starting to do data exploration and analysis on new data sources, helping build their own data environment, and generating use cases to illustrate the value of this new environment.

– Ana Muñoz

Empathy in the Workplace and Beyond

Anna loves the outcomes our work in the public sector helps generate and finds it especially gratifying to see those results locally firsthand.

“Everyone working here is so kind, so smart, and dedicated to actually helping the people that we work with. I feel like it’s been the best work environment I’ve ever been at because the people are just awesome.” That ties right in with her favorite Resultant value: purposeful empathy.

Anna plays on the Resultant soccer team and during the pandemic found a true affinity for cooking. When she’s stressed, she likes to make a big, elaborate meal with all associated hoopla. She’s currently loving pastas and has an exploration of baking planned for the near future. Local Rezzers are vying for the chance to be on her taste testers waitlist.


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