Nonprofits and Workforce Boards

Advance economic opportunity through better access to programs that build careers.

How we help

Scale your programming with better data access and reporting.

Workforce development depends on nonprofits and workforce boards, but finding ways to do more with resources is a challenge that too many struggle to meet. Without a reliable means of showing your impact to potential funders, expanding your reach to bring more programming to more people remains almost impossible.

Our workforce experts give you the tools to tell a data-driven story about your impact and uncover the details about how your workforce programs support residents and employers. You get a stronger foundation from which to connect employers with talent and talent programs to grow your community.

Impact Story

Digital Transformation Boosts The Villages’ Reach and Impact for Indiana Kids

Tell a data-driven story to get more from your resources.

Take Workforce Programming Further

Experts with backgrounds in technology, data science, and workforce partner with you to deliver a customized solution designed for your agency and community.

Career and Training Recommendation Engine

Give residents the tools they need to build their careers. Our Career and Training Recommendation Engine (CTRE) combines SLDS data and artificial intelligence to generate personalized career and training recommendations for job seekers. CTRE leverages the breadth of state government data for unparalleled insight.

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Talent Resource Navigator

Give users a clear, intuitive path to the employment and training information they need with a web application that connects learners, employers, and training providers with opportunities. Our Talent Resource Navigator provides a wealth of resources to learners and connects employers to already built training programs they can easily tap into to build their talent strategy.

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Strategic Data Assessment

Discover gaps in how data is collected and how it supports or fails your desired outcomes. Through an objective process of discovery, analysis, and planning, a strategic data assessment shows how data can do more for your organization as you strive to build the talent pipeline and encourage economic development

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Show your impact; expand your reach.

If you can’t show your value, finding more opportunity becomes almost impossible. Meanwhile, nonprofits and workforce boards struggle to make the most of what they have available. The bridge from “the way things are” to “the way they could be” lies in telling your story—and for that you need data.

Bring more programming to more people by showing stakeholders the impact of your programming. Tell a data-driven story that resonates and inspires. Our team can help. We’re a group of data scientists, technology experts, and workforce veterans who exist to help nonprofits and workforce boards meet their most complex challenges. We do it by listening. By carefully uncovering the contours of every challenge so we can best build the tools that not only meet it but scale to meet the next one.

We tackle each problem with empathy, expertise, and a strong dedication to collaboration. You get a stronger foundation for conducting your work more effectively and for growing your community.


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