Midwestern Higher Education Compact + Resultant

An overview to the products, services, and contract process that pave your way to better outcomes.

how we help

An easier route to data and technology improvements.

Colleges, universities, and state education agencies lean on Resultant for data and technology services that support student success, improve operational efficiencies, and help make informed decisions to navigate challenges like declining state funding and enrollment.

We’ve been supporting education at every level since our earliest days in 2008, and our dedicated education team brings the full gamut of sector experience. Alongside our data and technology experts, they collaborate with clients on strategy, planning, and implementation of projects that include advanced data analytics, holistic managed services, business intelligence, digital transformation, cloud and network solutions, and many more.

Campus Analytics Engine, our highly flexible and customizable data analytics solution, improves data quality and management, enables streamlined and sophisticated reporting and analytics, increases enrollment rates among the students institutions want to target, and helps ensure these students succeed and graduate.

Our master agreement enables any participating entity within Midwestern Higher Education Compact, New England Board of Higher Education, Southern Regional Education Board, or Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education to utilize a streamlined contracting process with a proven partner.

How It Works

Start your data or modernization project today.

  1. Use the form here to contact a member of our education team.
  2. Participate in a virtual meeting with our team to assess your organization’s needs, uncover your challenges, and discuss potential solutions.
  3. Develop a statement of work (SOW) that includes deliverables, timelines, approach to the work, and other critical details.
  4. Sign the contract.

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Resultant Services

Our full suite of services is available through the MHEC master agreement. The following are a handful of highlights our education clients have relied on.

Campus Analytics Engine

Our highly flexible data analytics solution helps you consolidate and standardize data, enable reporting and analytics through a cloud-based analytics environment, and increase enrollment and retention through targeted interventions informed by our proprietary data models.

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Data Analytics

Data governance, data security, advanced analytics, and other solutions revolutionize how you manage your data by eliminating information gaps and unnecessary complexities surrounding your systems—enabling you to make better decisions while saving time and money.

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Google Education

Undertaking a complex migration project requires careful attention to detail within a highly collaborative framework. Resultant establishes a creative, collaborative partnership with each client to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

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Organizational Change Management

You get your best ROI when you include organizational change management to prepare for, manage, and reinforce new technology. Our team works alongside data and technology specialists to minimize disruption and ensure you achieve lasting, transformative change.  

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The contract is available to public and private not-for-profit higher education institutions; K-12 districts and schools; cities, counties, and local subdivisions; and state government. Eligible member states are as follows:

Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC)

  • IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI
  • For eligibility questions contact:
    Nathan Sorensen

About MHEC

New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)

  • CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
  • For eligibility questions contact:
    Celana Bethea


Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)

  • AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV
  • For eligibility questions contact the following:
  • David Garcia
  • Allison Buckley
    404-879-5556 ext 256

About SREB

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)

  • AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY, U.S. Pacific territories and Freely Associated States
  • For eligibility questions contact:
    Dr. Raymonda “Ray” Burgman Gallegos


General Questions

If you have general questions about the contract, get in touch with MHEC directly:

  • Nathan Sorensen
    Director of Government Contracts

Featured Solution

Higher Education Solutions Powered by Google and Resultant

Wherever education happens, engaging students and giving them the tools to succeed is critical. Enabling efficient, secure collaboration and connection boosts productivity and supports student learning.

Resultant is an authorized Google Workspace for Education Partner, enabling institutions across the country transition to the platform that helps make their school community’s desired outcomes a reality.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where can I get details about the contract?

A. Check the contract’s home page at https://www.mhec.org/contracts/technology for specific contract terms.

Q. Who can buy off the MHEC contract?

A. Any public or private not-for-profit higher education, K-12, city, or state and local government entity in one of our member states in the MHEC, NEBHE, SREB, or WICHE regions may use our contracts.

Q. What if I’m required to use an RFP? Can I still use your contracts?

A. You can! Our contracts must adhere to the purchasing policies of the member states. That’s because MHEC is an instrumentality of state government and established by state statute and state government funds.

Our Team

Meet the Resultant Education team.

We're committed to helping institutions and agencies make sustainable changes that impact learning paths, recruitment and retention, efficiency, and insight.

Senior Director, Education Practice

Anderson Smith

Engagement Manager

Clients we've served


Find out how our team can help you achieve great outcomes.