Six Steps to Successful Office 365 Implementation

At the beginning of every Microsoft Office 365 migration, the Resultant business technology team sits down with our clients to kick off the project and develop an understanding of what a successful migration looks like to them. Consistently, we hear the following three goals: 

  1. Minimal interruption to work 
  1. Quick user adoption 
  1. Increased employee productivity 

To achieve these goals, we work with clients to fully implement the Office 365 solution. Resultant’s approach to solution implementation includes six phases identified as fundamental to achieving client goals. It’s a collaborative process involving a strong partnership between Resultant and our client. Each phase addresses one or more of the three components involved — the people, processes, and technology — leading to a holistic implementation of the solution. 

  1. Discovery: During Discovery, we work with you to understand your current technology, the people, and processes that it supports and that support it, as well as your business and goals. 
  1. Solution Design: The design of the solution includes clearly defining the technology needed and the optimal setup of the future state. Additionally, the Solution Design articulates the full migration plan from testing through launch. 
  1. Communications Campaign: Together, we outline frequency and topics for employee communication to drive a seamless transition and user adoption. The pre-migration communications include clearly defined timelines and expectations, as well as training resources. 
  1. Solution Install: The initial installation includes two important steps. First, we internally create the client environment and test our solution. Following, we work with a select number of strategically identified users to test the solution in the client’s environment. Working through both steps allows for elimination of concerns before migration of our client’s full organization. 
  1. Methodical Migration: Execution of migration depends heavily on the previous setup and the complexity of the solution design. Insight gathered during the pilot phase updates the migration plan, to ensure that migration is a seamless process. 
  1. Training: Training begins with the Communications Campaign, includes initial training after migration, and is ongoing as people become comfortable with the system and need customized training based on job responsibilities. 

Following these six steps, and working in strong partnership with our clients, we’re able to eliminate bugs before migration, build excitement for the solution, and lead the organization to quickly – and fully – adopt the solution, ultimately achieving their overall goals. 



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