Preston Howell

Preston Howell

Senior Business Development Executive

Preston Howell
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Preston Howell is a dyed-in-the-wool Northern Midwesterner whose love of data, problem solving, and doing work that matters turned him into a Texan. He knew he was in the right place as soon as he began his 2014 internship at the Dallas Resultant office, getting to work with team members who have an earnest desire to help their clients and each other succeed.

Preston has a real affinity for the people side of technology problems, always focusing on the end user who will be using the systems and solutions he helps implement. While most of his work is still client facing today, he has added responsibilities in the sales and delivery cycle as well as managing and leading internal teams. He’s passionate about the learning, collaboration, and brainstorming ingrained in the teamwork culture at Resultant.

Preston and his wife, who is from Vermont, both would rather be outside than anywhere else. Together, they started a creation care ministry at their church that includes a thriving community garden. They’re members of a bouldering gym, and he still pursues his lifelong ultimate frisbee obsession even in the Texas heat.

“I have many similarities with a golden retriever,” he said. “If you throw something, I have to run after it. Which is kind of problem because I don’t like running.”

Quick Facts

  • Bachelor of Science, Math and Economics, Wheaton College

Favorite Resultant Value

  • Outcomes Focus
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