Child Care Pulse

Enable accurate, detailed, and timely child care insights to improve communities and bring economic opportunities across your state.

How We Help

Strengthening our child care system is more important than ever to help families find quality child care, get back to work, and grow state economies.

But most states lack the data and capabilities to move the needle on the challenge.

Child Care Pulse lets you keep your existing data systems and increase both the accuracy and quantity of child care and education data accessible to the state—all while decreasing the reporting burden on child care providers.

Through automatically connecting local child care provider management, state licensing, workforce, and child care subsidy systems in one completely secure and protected environment, states get the data and insights they need to improve services to children, child care providers, and families.

Impact Story

What Every State Can Learn about the Workforce-Child Care Connection from Iowa

Our Early Childhood Education Clients

Maximize family participation and engagement in your state’s mixed delivery system.

What Is Child Care Pulse?

Child Care Pulse enables states to access crucial child care data in real time—data that has often been unavailable to them before. This includes information on functional operational capacity, child care openings, demand, and the unique datasets relevant in your state, all without requiring a switch to a new case management system.

Child Care Pulse is not just another flashy dashboard or search portal. Unlike other solutions in the market, it’s a tool that connects and enhances existing aspects across the mixed delivery system to:

  • Give leaders much–needed access to complete, accurate data for informed decisions
  • Dramatically decrease errors in state data collection and reporting through integration and data cleansing
  • Provide direct access that connects provider openings to families’ needs, creating a more sustainable ECE system


How Child Care Pulse Transforms Early Childhood Education

Keep your existing systems. Child Care Pulse connects them and directly integrates data from child care providers, including operational capacity and near to real-time openings, allowing you to:

Connect Families

Give families accurate, timely information delivered through user-friendly, intuitive dashboards. They access reliable, top-quality childcare they can filter by detailed factors like age groups, special needs accommodations, and even open childcare slots along their route to work.

Decrease Reporting Burdens on Providers

Decrease providers’ data entry time, make it simple for all providers to participate, and increase data shared with the state through direct integrations and text messaging solutions—empowering all to focus more on creating the best outcomes for children and families.

Empower ECE Systems

Gain timely insights into childcare challenges, including supply and demand balance, operational vs. licensed capacity, and workforce shortages. This knowledge helps meet federal reporting requirements, drives informed decision-making, and supports better resource allocation for equitable care.

Awards and Partnerships

Why choose Resultant?

During critical developmental stages, services matter more. We help states find clarity in the complexity to best support kids.

Our team’s deep understanding of and experience in the early childhood education sector, along with innovative technology expertise, helps your state maximize your systems and data to better serve children, families, and child care providers with a focus on long-term solution sustainability.

Reach out to our Early Childhood Education team today.

We’d love to talk more about how Child Care Pulse can lay a foundation for lifelong learning in your state.

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