Healthcare Organization Boosts Capacity with Resultant/WhereScape

In healthcare data management, efficiency has become a critical marker of success. Even small deterrents to optimal efficiency can have large consequences with the speed and volume of data acquisition health care organizations must manage. For one nonprofit healthcare organization, the challenge lay in integrating new data sources seamlessly into their existing infrastructure. This was no small task, considering their commitment to using data for operational improvements and enhanced patient care.

Automation: the key to scaling with accuracy

The organization’s data architects and engineers are extraordinarily skilled. So skilled, in fact, that they manually performed all ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes. This inefficiency not only strained resources but also hindered their ability to scale operations effectively, a concern exacerbated by an impending merger.

To address these challenges, they sought a solution to streamline their data pipeline. They turned to WhereScape for its automation capabilities, which promised to reduce manual effort and accelerate time-to-insight. They knew that even their experts could use some expert guidance on the implementation, and WhereScape recommended partnering with Resultant—a decision that proved pivotal in transforming their data management approach.

Collaboration for WhereScape implementation brings confident results

The implementation journey was structured in three phases, each meticulously designed to empower the healthcare organization’s internal team while ensuring seamless integration and sustained support from Resultant:

Phase I: Resultant took the lead player role, spearheading implementation activities.

Phase II: Transitioning to a collaborative model, Resultant still acted as a player but began to serve more as a coach, guiding and mentoring internal team member players through hands-on engagement.

Phase III: Empowered by Resultant’s strategic oversight, the healthcare organization assumed full responsibility for implementation—effectively becoming their own coach, equipped with newfound expertise and confidence.

Throughout these phases, close collaboration ensured alignment on priorities and a shared commitment to achieving transformative outcomes.


Resultant’s collaboration with the healthcare organization yielded them tangible benefits:

  • Accelerated Time-to-Insight: WhereScape reduced onboarding times for new data domains.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Automation streamlined workflows and enhanced day-to-day operations.
  • Enhanced Data Quality: Structured data management improved compliance and overall data integrity.

The implementation positioned the organization for continued growth and innovation, crucially preparing them for the challenges of their upcoming merger. With a robust data infrastructure in place, they’re primed to leverage insights for ongoing improvements in patient care and operational excellence.

Our work with this company highlights an important tenet: Even experts can benefit from expert help.

Read more about the WhereScape implementation



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