Anastasia Severin

Anastasia Severin


Anastasia Severin
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Anastasia is an accounting professional with extensive experience in financial management, integration, and compliance during periods of high growth and acquisition. She has a proven track record of utilizing tools and best practices for accurate financial reporting in ERP systems.

Recognized by executives and colleagues for her ability to effectively lead multi-business-unit financial integrations, she helps them successfully continue business as usual post-acquisition with a focus on internal controls, financial reporting, and process improvement.

At Resultant, Anastasia enables successful closing of financial periods by ensuring accurate GAAP Financials. In addition to providing leadership, direction, and accountability, she establishes and maintains systems and controls which verify the integrity of all financial systems and processes in order to better enhance the company’s value.

Outside of the office, Anastasia enjoys spending time with her family, reading (when her family is quiet), and painting (though not usually while reading).

Quick Facts

  • University of Illinois at Chicago, Bachelor of Science, Accountancy 

Favorite Resultant Value

  • Thoughtful Collaboration 
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