Cloud Strategy and Data Pipeline

In this strategic discussion, Validatar CEO Jonathan Agee and Resultant National Sales Director Michael Tantrum explore cloud strategies and share insight to where cloud can be best leveraged in your data pipeline ecosystem.

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What You'll Learn

Hit play and discover the following

  • What comprises a cloud strategy
  • What is happening in the current market for cloud as well as cloud migration over the past few years
  • Reasons to consider cloud and when not to move to the cloud
  • Why security is less of an issue than you may think
  • What next steps might look like at your organization

Meet the Speaker

Michael Tantrum

National Sales Director at Resultant

With over 30 years of data warehouse experience in architectural, design and selling capacities. Michael brings a wealth of knowledge to organizations embarking on their data warehouse transformation journey.

Michael is a frequent speaker at conferences on the topics of data warehouse modernization and automation. He has a deep understanding of the tools, challenges, and opportunities that clients can leverage to succeed.

Connect with Michael

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