Keeping a Critical Service in Operation through a Complex Move

The Milk Bank realized it lacked the necessary space to fulfill its mission when its current pasteurization area couldn’t keep up with donations. With incoming donations bringing in more milk than the location could handle, The Milk Bank began the search for a new office location and turned to Resultant to oversee the intricate details of planning and executing the move.

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About the Milk Bank

The Milk Bank, a not-for-profit organization founded in 2005, serves to promote community health by expanding the safe use of pasteurized donor human milk for all babies, especially those in hospital neonatal intensive care units.

We’re proud to help organizations thrive, and we’d love to tell you more.

I have experienced several office moves during my career, and there always seems to be one thing that slows everything down. Resultant anticipated all of those needs and understood how crucial it was that we move and continue production with as little downtime as possible.

Jenny Pemberton

Donor Milk Specialist,   The Milk Bank

We started out small, delivering 5,000 ounces of milk our first year. Last year, we sent over 330,000 ounces. Our goal is to continue to grow, gain more donors, and educate more people about the need for breast milk.

Janice O'Rourke

Former Executive Director,   The Milk Bank

The Problem

Pasteurized donor human milk has been used in the United States for more than 90 years to help ailing babies. Studies continue to reveal the benefits in improving outcomes for premature infants. As more people come to understand the benefits of donor human milk, the demand continues to not only grow but surpass the current supply.

The Milk Bank works daily to fill that gap. The organization had grown by about 600% and was out of space for donations. Understanding the complexity of planning and executing a move, especially of precious cargo, The Milk Bank turned to its technology partner, Resultant, for help ensuring retention and security of data, a smooth transition with minimal downtime of computer-driven processes, and the ability to close on Friday, move, and reopen on Monday.

Desired Outcomes of Move:
  • Retention and security of data during office move
  • Minimal downtime of computer-driven processes
  • Move completed with only one day of office closure

The Solution

The Resultant team started with a walkthrough of The Milk Bank’s new space to understand how the space would function, bringing together the cabling vendor, general contractor, and space planner, to determine where furniture, electrical, and cabling should be placed.

Serving as project manager, Resultant worked with individual vendors including the Internet service provider (ISP) to establish Internet services, the telecommunications provider to move in phone equipment, and the general contractor to ensure electrical was properly set up. As the move-in date neared, communication became a primary focus. We ensured The Milk Bank staff was prepared for the move and that vendors were aligned and expectations were set across the board.

On move-in day, Resultant moved the physical equipment into the new office space, built The Milk Bank’s network rack, implemented a new wireless system, and ensured services were successfully transitioned and functional for work as usual on Monday morning.

The Outcome

Office moves are complex undertakings that require organizational and cultural change, technology planning and implementation, logistics management, and even financial planning. The Milk Bank, through careful advanced planning, is now fully functioning in its new office space and set up for future growth.

Operating in an industry that requires proprietary software, many of The Milk Bank’s processes are computer driven, and information is retained in its database. During the move, careful planning ensured the data was secured and retained. With additional square footage, The Milk Bank now has the space it needs to grow and the up-to-date technology in place to operate more effectively. The Milk Bank added a scrub room, pasteurization area, lactation room, main conference room, a walk-in double freezer with remote connectivity, and a completely new wireless system with four separate zones to ensure its systems are always functioning.

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