Data is the Strongest Defense for Indiana’s Opioid Crisis

Nearly one in twelve Hoosiers has a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Treatment is, for many, difficult to obtain, and social stigma prevents others from seeking help. Resultant partnered with Indiana’s Management Performance Hub (MPH), an established stakeholder in combating the opioid crisis through the facilitation of the Drug Data Working Group (DDWG), in 2019 to enhance their capabilities addressing the problem.

Together we created the Data-Driven Addiction Prevention and Recovery (DDAPR) Project—a broad-reaching initiative with the main tenant of producing evidence-based conclusions for optimal delivery of services and programs relevant to the opioid crisis.

A Key Approach

Our initial discovery phase began by listening to team members, policymakers, and people in need of these services, then collaborating with MPH to focus our approach on key aspects.

Making data accessible to state agencies and other stakeholders meant first building reliable and efficient data structures. Once data storage was accurate, clean, and traceable, data analytics could reach their full potential.

Seeing Clearly

Macro analysis led to building a conceptual model of the opioid ecosystem. It isn’t enough to simply identify the people struggling with SUD. To create effective change, it’s essential to take into consideration factors such as inciting incidents, sources, education, employment, location—and impact on individuals, families, and communities. Connections between the nodes of the conceptual model enable agencies to get a complete picture of patterns and behaviors and to plan actions accordingly.

Digging into Details

Micro analysis research is mainly focused on risk prediction. By digging into individual risk factors in various points along an individual’s SUD journey, reliable predictions are discovered. These micro analyses hold tremendous potential for providing insight internally, a pursuit MPH continues to refine.

This project is currently in year two of four. The impact so far can be seen in how DDAPR has continued to expand its reach preventing addiction, informing relevant Indiana policies and programs, and reducing the number of Indiana citizens with Substance Abuse Disorder.

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